Customer Service experience to pay more for:
It is a prevalent fact that customers are looking for a discount. On the contrary, we believe that it will be a better bait of hiking your price while providing better service and more relevant options for the customers.
May be you are already familiar with the technique mentioned below. But you are in doubt in some facet of arguments stated below.
Most customers would pay more for better experience:
The moot point is that customers experience is of highly subjective in nature. You are in quandary to know what makes it better. For this reason staff is undergoing training and motivation comes in handy. This pays off but not at the cost of skimping on the component of the service. In the domain of E-commerce, trained staffs help customers via a online chat or a direct phone call is a good example to have increased conversion and satisfaction.
When debating speed versus competence, choose competence:
As an overview, it appears to be a right one. But customers want effective as well as quick service. They prefer to have effective service to faster one. Notwithstanding faster service is the key, customers satisfaction derive from competence. Despite clearly stated policies on payment, pricing, delivery time and return is expected, this alone will not guarantee success.
Customers want more help-and various types of it:
Approximately two-third portion of the customers want to talk to call, firing email or have a live chat on your E-commerce website. Statistics show that FAQ, click-to-call, forums, how-to-vedeos and vedeo chart with concerned person are yet to pick up.
Quite a few customers are convinced they are not being heard:
Make a difference to your business in such a way so that customer representatives are not in a hurry to close the call. Instead find a way to keep a balance between sales and conversation. Thus you may earn earn acclaim.
The best source of new customers are your existing satisfied customers:
Customers feedback are of tremendous impact on any business. In the same vain if you are sharing customer stories and rate your business, chances are that you can capitalize reviews as a channel to learn and rectify bad service. This review knowledge acts as a catalytic and thereby gaining new business much more effectively. This has more power than advertising.
There are many low-costs way to say “Thank you”:
Token of appreciation, however small, bears well with the customers. The sublime beauty as a part of creativity by saying “Thank you” often impressed the customers. Free shipping, product updates, sending sample products or Birthday gifts plays a very important influence on customers. As a consequence , it enhances the satisfaction level of customers and soars the average purchase amount.
Your turn:
Now the prerogative is yours. You have to devise a strategy so that you can inflate your revenue while keeping your customers happy.