In the year 2015, November, Magento announced the new 2.0 platform for enterprise and community editions. It was a great news and euphoria for Magento users. There was a mixed reaction for the change, some were agog with excitement and opined that Magento 1 was apt for there eCommerce requirements. Builtwith statistics revealed that in the realm of eCommerce, Magento currently holds 14% market share. But experts are optimistic that with the introduction of Magento 2, the percentage will surely increase. Furthermore,number of Magento 2 store will generate more within the next year as magento 1 will die peaceful death. The emergence includes existing Magento 1 store migrates to Magento 2 along with brand new stores and businesses are opting for magento 2 for better store platform.

What about Magento 1?
A commerce without limits. A profound flexible commerce flatform. Magento propels amazing omni-channel experience whenever you can find your customer. Users , quite as ease create stores of myriad functions with pre-defined extension. This is the wonderful aspect of this platform and hence it becomes so crowd puller/popular The beauty of this platform has its pros and cons. To be fair enough that focusing on flexibility does not qualify it most user-friendly and high performing platform. The important consideration for tools were missing the “right out of the box” that every store ought to have, for example, performance optimization, mobile responsiveness, and capabilities in the past. In this circumstances,users should go the the third party to get those essentials. To further the sufferings , many companies have raised serious concern regarding the slow running of Magento 1. In order to find a solution, experts finally scaled from Magento 1 to Magento 2 platform.
Benefits of Magento 2
It is heartening to tell that Magento 2 is shot in the arm that the industry so badly needs . The key points are mentioned below.
Improved performance
In regard of speed Magento2 is faster than Magento 1 by 20%. Speed will help site in regard of more sales and augment website SEO. Full page caching which is built into this platform helps loading the page much faster i.e. 1-2 seconds compared to the 5-10 seconds for non-caching pages. Moreover, it deals with many catalog page without the sign of slowing down. This feature enables scalability for large stores and thereby enabling it to grow with an online business.

updates within Magento 2 are designed to work a lot quicker, making it easy for Magento users to take advantage of new features as they’re released.
User-friendly checkout
The checkout process in Magento 2 is more efficient and effective. As a result of which it becomes quicker and user-friendly for customers to go from cart to completed order. An easy way of customizing it having less steps and customer information. Reducing checkout time has decreased abandoned carts and increasing sales. They are given an option to checkout faster with saved information.On the other hand, guests can create an account in one click from the order Thank You page. These features encourage repeat customers.
User-friendly checkout

If you talk about check out process in Magento 1 store, many tweak it to make it more user-friendly .Thanks to Magento 2 which has default intuitive checkout process.
Key integrations
The advantage that we have using Magento2 that it integrates a lot popular extensions so that stores have better functionality out of the box

you can have integrations with Worldpay and Cybersource to increase payment security.
Better admin interface
The admin panel is made in such a way as to reduce time for managing an online store. Its great user-friendliness and it is easy for new members to learn. Administrators are in a position to customise admin panel therey accessing important business information. It helps to make admin panel personalized for each user to increase productivity while managing products, orders, and customer data. The process of creating products in admin panel is much easier in comparison with Magento 1 and with 4x faster product import capabilities. There is an interesting feature in admin interface of Magento 2. It has drag-and-drop layout editing which outdo the earlier method of writing extensive coding along with comprehensive knowledge at the time of modify an online store’s appearance.Thus it creates wonderful store in half time.

More mobile-friendly
It is revealed that now-a-days more and more customers are smartphone and tablets savvy. Therefore mobile responsiveness is the vital ingredients to inflate sales. Hence it is one of the major priorities in the core Magento 2 platform. It packaged with new responsively designed (and SEO-friendly) themes, integrated video, and user-friendly checkout Mobile responsiveness is key to improving sales, as more and more customers are shopping on smartphones and tablets. The Magento team recognized this and made mobile responsiveness a priority in the core Magento 2 platform. Combined all to improve the look and function of Magento stores on mobile devices. Hence it encourages more mobile sales These apart front-end site,you can manage your store in admin panel with the help of touch-screen friendly facility.
But…change is hard!
Magento 2 does not gain that amount of momentum quickly. Notwithstanding customers are steadily going into Magento 2, the eagerness is not so prominence to websites changing to new platform. Some factors are responsively for that.
- Magento 1 users are reluctant to rebuild website
Magento 2 is quite different platform. Rebuilding existing website running on Magento needs complete switch over. Some online store owners are yet to ready for change over - They’re satisfied with the performance of Magento 1
It stems for the fact that satisfaction level for store owner is good. Hence there is no question of switching over. - Magento 2 extensions aren’t plentiful yet
Extension companies are slowly migrating to Magento2. This might rekindle the concern of Magento 1 as they do not see their of their favorite extension in Magento2. Hence the reluctance. In spite of the fact there are number of users wary of the change, extension companies relied on slow transition. It seems that lot of life still left in Magento 1 So much talk in regard of advantage of Magento 2 has already been spoken of and there is possibility that existing businesses will try it out as a platform
Upgrading Magento 1 Extensions
As we have seen so far that Magento 2 platform is quite different. It needs to rebuilt existing extensions. Due to the advantage had in Magento 2, more and more people move to magento 2. They might move to elswhere in pursuit of their need if they do not get there favourite extensions . In this respect we can say that we are in league of Magento 2 developer in India. we are quite adept in Magento 2 development. IME is the Magento2 provider and those who are new to the world of eCommerce ,looking to increase your product portfolio. They desire to have improvement an existing site be it in the form of update or starting from scratch.For them we provide Magento2 solutions. IME has experienced Magento 2 developers . They are ready to extend their helping hand in order to transition with ease. Moreover, we help Magento 2 migration. We have already worked with so many top notch companies in order to upgrade extensions. That is related to fraud detection, email marketing, payment gateways, and many more. In addition to that we can help other organisation to hire Magento 2 experts from us albeit remotely .To sum up , we can say that we are the Magento2 agency with multiple live Magento 2 projects. Let contribute to your customers he benefit of Magento 2’s new features with sleek coded extension upgrades. This will ease the transition to the new version and less tedious.

Some people have reluctance regarding moving to magento 2. Despite that it is undeniable fact that this latform was designed to provide a better experience for customers and admin.Magento is well known for it flexibility but at the same time add some important and beneficial features. There is no doubt that new version will help business to grow. It user-friendly checkout process augments conversions and ncourage repeat customers. The opinion expressed by experts that business will move to Magento 2 from Magento 1, other ecommerce platforms. To start afresh new online store. To sum up, the treasure trove of extensions available must be upgraded to the new version. Need help. IME developers are here to help you . Get in touch with us